Q2 A boy makes a ruler with graduation in cm on it (i.e., 100 divisions in 1m). To what accuracy this ruler can measure? How can this accuracy be increased?
Q7 What is meant by zero error of a vernier calipers? How is it determined? Draw neat diagrams to explain it. How is it taken in account to get the correct measurement?
Q13 Name the part of the vernier calipers which is used to measure the following: (a) External diameter of a tube (b) Internal diameter of a mug (c) Depth of a small bottle (d) Thickness of a pencil
Q23 Name the instrument which can measure accurately the following: (a) The diameter of a needle (b) The thickness of a paper (c) The internal diameter of the neck of a water bottle (d) The diameter of a pencil
Q2 A microscope has its main scale with 20 divisions in 1cm and vernier scale with 25 divisions, the length of which is equal to the length of 24 divisions of main scale. The least count of microscope is: (a) 0.002cm (b) 0.001cm (c) 0.02cm (d) 0.01cm